Am I a bad person for laughing at this?
Cuz I'm totally laughing at this β¦

Yo, not all of us have perfect, strong-as-steel retinas like President Trump, okay.

No joke, though, this was a real trend.
Specifically, search terms like "eyes hurt," "my eyes hurt," and "why do my eyes hurt" saw a significant uptick around 11 a.m. PT / 2 p.m. ET. In case you haven't been keeping up with the solar eclipse schedule, that's just around the time the moon started to pass between the Earth and the sun. Related searches seemed to reach their peak at 12 p.m. PT / 3 p.m. ET.
This will always make me giggle. Like, I looked right at it, you looked right at it, and these people, they looked right at it for like 10 seconds at a time. And now their eyes hurt.
It's an evergreen joke that will never get old.
Here's the Google chart:
The trend even followed the path of totality:
Okay, people, no staring directly at the sun for at least another 20 years!
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