This photo of a Border Patrol agent alongside handcuffed illegal immigrants is going viral and I have to say, it's kind of perfect.
There's just something about this photo that's hilarious, awesome, and sad all at the same time.
Some people think this is fake because it's so preposterous that they'd hand out these glasses to illegal aliens (at least to two of them) and stop to look at the sun. I personally think it could be fake because I can't even imagine Border Patrol putting illegal aliens in handcuffs.
If it is real, it kind of shows just how unserious the border situation is to those in charge.
Like, how is this on your list of things to do yesterday? "Wherever you are, make sure to bring your eclipse glasses, and bring extras if you nab some border crossers on the job!"
The reactions to this photo are all over the board. Most people agree that it's real. Some say it shows that, deep down, we're all still humans and anyone can appreciate nature.
Most people are impressed with the dude who didn't take the glasses and simply stared down the eclipse. Like a real man.
For real, send the other two back. He can stay.
I mean, she's probably right.
I guess it doesn't matter if you're a Border Patrol agent or an illegal invader.
This photo is simply guys being dudes, and it's hard to hate it.
(But yeah, we need to send those illegals back. Sorry but not sorry.)
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