I guess criminals don't like getting shot!!

Despite all the lefties in the world wanting you to believe that more guns = more crime, that's not what the numbers say. In fact, it's quite the opposite.
It's almost like we're starting to see a pattern here.
Here's what the AG's office said about the study:
"This is not to downplay the very real problem of crime in many neighborhoods in our cities - you don't need a research team to see that gun violence destroys lives, families and opportunity," (Attorney General) Yost said. "The key takeaway from this study is that we have to keep the pressure on the criminals who shoot people, rather than Ohioans who responsibly exercise their Second Amendment rights." Last year, mayors of several large cities blamed crime in their local communities on the change in state law - comments that were the impetus for the study, Yost said. "I genuinely did not know what the study would find," he said. "I thought it would be useful either way."
Yeah, the libs in the big cities wanted to blame the constitutional carry law for an increase in crime, but it was all made up. Either crime was largely unchanged or it went down.
Two of the 8 largest cities saw about a 5% increase in crime, but the other major cities saw as much as an 18% decrease.
Perps have to think twice when everyone might be packing!
It just makes sense.
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇