Ha! White House YouTube videos are receiving so many dislikes that YouTube is testing out new designs that don't show dislike counts 🤣
· Apr 1, 2021 · NottheBee.com

We showed you a few weeks ago how wildly unpopular Joe Biden's first prime-time address to the nation was.

One screenshot from the article showed you the total likes and dislikes Biden's address earned on YouTube.

Here's that for ya:

Yup, that's 442 likes…

AAAAAAAAAAAND 5,900 dislikes.

That hurts!

But it didn't stop there...

Here's a screenshot from another White House video a few days later:

And another one:

And one more:

Oup, here's one from yesterday:

Okay you get the idea.

And this guy obviously beat Trump fair and square in the election, cuz he's gotta be the most popular guy on the planet right about now, no doubt.

But seriously, when you're this unpopular, what do you do?

Easy answer, guys: you cover it up.

Hit up your boys over at Google like brah, do me a solid here, I look like a bozo.

Well, certainly YouTube cannot make it so Joe Biden isn't a bozo.

But here's something they can do:



Only the White House should be able to see that.

Great job YouTube, you're really gonna get us this time!

Why don't ya just go ahead and ban right-wingers altogether and get this thing over with.

Side note: this will only hurt your everyday YouTuber.

It's almost like YouTube isn't a helpful video-sharing website anymore, and has just become a part of our ever-improving government!


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