It all started inconspicuously enough, 15 years ago, in late July of 2007:
With that 12 seconds of black powder peacemaking was launched a quiet, understated YouTube media juggernaut, less flashy than many of the bigger players but nevertheless a stalwart, dependable, gun-firing machine of reliability: Hickok45 has been firing every gun he can get his hands on since then.
That's not an exaggeration. Here's the man's YouTube lineup from just the last month:
For a decade and a half, Hickok45—aka Greg Kinman, a retired middle-school English teacher—has been shooting, critiquing and reviewing thousands of guns. Essentially the creator of the YouTube gun channel, he has been the go-to for gun aficionados wanting to learn more about firearms as well as gun buyers looking to get an expert opinion on a new firearm purchase. For years, if you've wanted a gun, chances are Hickok45 has shot it and reviewed it.
He has also been known as a scourge on the soda-drinking community, having personally shot and drained what many experts believe is upwards of 45,000 gallons of soda over his long tenure. Some of his more memorable soda drops include one with an SAM7SF:

...and his relentless use of break-, pump-action and full-auto shotguns to inflict maximum carbonated damage:

The man has ventured so far into gun territory that he's begun using bullets as bowling balls:
Of course, everyone wants to know: After all this time and that many rounds through the pipe, is he a good shot? Uh, yes. Yes he is. Not just with rifles, mind you...

...but even with Dirty Harry Model 29s:

I wouldn't want to get within two miles of the guy if he was out to tag me, even if all he had was a little snub-nosed revolver and one hand tied behind his back.
Happy 15 years, Hickok, and thank you for all you've done. Here's to another wonderful 15!

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇