Harvard and Columbia still rank worst for free speech, even after hosting all those woke encampments last year. Huh.
· Sep 6, 2024 · NottheBee.com

Time to hand over another big "L" to the Ivy League.

An analysis from the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression and College Pulse ranked Harvard and Columbia dead last in the country for student free speech.

Both Left-wing Ivy League universities received an "abysmal" rating in the survey.

More than 58,000 students representing more than 250 colleges and universities were surveyed.

University of Virginia, Michigan Technological University and Florida State University, which lean more conservative, were the top 3 universities for free speech.

The interesting thing about Harvard and Columbia is that they were arguably the most permissive when it came to allowing Left-Wing pro-Hamas activists to protest, sometimes violently, to the point of taking over entire sections of campus.

Harvard last year:

Columbia's campus last year last year:

Conservative and liberal students were surveyed in this study, and both gave Columbia and Harvard an "abysmal" rating.

This seems to indicate that while conservative speech is effectively silenced on these campuses, Left-wing activists don't consider the incredibly long leash they were given to wreak havoc on campus to be nearly enough.

Kids will spend over a quarter million dollars and 4 years of their lives attending these universities.

What a complete waste!

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