Check out these freedom-loving Jewish Americans who aren't letting government tyranny or fear of the ‘Rona stop them from celebrating a wedding:
To not alert the authorities, the family and guests spread word of the event by word-of-mouth alone. While the exact guest count is unknown, the 7,000-person facility was quite packed.
This, of course, was against government diktats on where one can go, congregate, and breathe these days. I'm not going to argue that this is the best idea in the world, but I appreciate this community exercising their freedom to balance their health risks with the things that make life worth living: things like community, marriage, celebrations, and song.
If you haven't guessed, the powers at be were ticked when news of this gathering broke. NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio and NY Governor Andrew Cuomo - currently the nation's worst political duo - are incensed that free people would do things of their own free will without listening to the laws they made up on a whim.
"There appeared to be a real effort to conceal it. Which is absolutely unacceptable..." said De Blasio, who couldn't think of any precedent in the last century that might keep Jews from hiding things from hostile governments. "This was amazingly irresponsible, just unacceptable. So there's going to be consequences right away for the people who let that happen."
Cuomo, who has waged a war on Jewish communities in the last few months, also called the gathering "a blatant disregard of the law."
Gee, guys, it's almost like these Hasidic Jews – some of whom still have living relatives that experienced the horrors of the Third Reich – might have reasons they'd disobey a government trying to force them to wear articles of clothing, track their movements, fine them, and tell them where and when they can gather, worship, and celebrate...