Hats off to this little 7-year-old hero in California for saving a toddler from drowning in a swimming pool
· Jul 30, 2022 · NottheBee.com

Folks, raise your babies to be as selfless, as watchful and as brave as little Massiah Browne here:

A 7-year-old boy is being praised for his quick thinking after saving the life of a toddler who fell into a swimming pool.

Massiah Browne, of Sacramento, California, was swimming at his family's apartment complex when he saw the little boy at the bottom of the pool.

Knowing it was out of the ordinary, the second grader immediately jumped into action, diving in to save him.

The seven-year-old "managed to get the toddler to the pool's surface," after which nearby adults took over, administering lifesaving CPR until first responders could get there. (The toddler is reportedly doing fine.)

The good young man himself summed it up best during a TV interview the other day when he said:

Okay, okay, he is just seven years old. But that's of course the point! Well done, Massiah.

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