Have you heard about the Amish farmer the federal government is trying relentlessly to destroy?
· Aug 25, 2022 · NottheBee.com

Amos Miller runs an organic farm in Bird-In-Hand, Pennsylvania, using farming methods used for, well, thousands of years.

His cattle roam free and eat natural plants instead of processed feed, and he butchers them himself instead of using FDA-approved processing plants.

Because of this, the federal government has hit him with over $300,000 in fines and ordered him to stop farming the land that has been cultivated for generations across the centuries.

But there is more to the story: Amos represents the last bastion of strong, family-owned farms in America's breadbasket. Billionaires such as Bill Gates and foreign governments such as the Chinese Communist Party increasingly own American farmland as large corporations carve up local farms that once connected communities to each other and to the land.

Jeremy Loffredo of Rebel News has a great 5-minute segment discussing what's going on. If you care about the freedom to get your own food and are worried about the land grabs happening in your communities right now, it's a must watch:

Pretty disturbing stuff, eh?

Amos Miller simply wants the ability to tend his own farm without the federal government telling him how and what to do with his own property.

He believes that his organic, natural practices are better than the modern conglomeration of factories, chemicals, and special interests that want us to eat the bugs.

His customers agree, which is why 4,000 of them pay for his food from all over the nation.

But because he won't bend a knee to Caesar, the man is getting crucified.

Here's another great segment where Loffredo of Rebel News talked with Tucker Carlson this week:

"Not enough endocrine-disrupting chemicals! You're not using enough GMOs!"

Tucker nails it.

This is a war the feds probably don't want to fight, because it ain't just conservatives who are realizing there's something wrong with nutrition in our country.

Loffredo notes that Miller's farm also doesn't use gas or fertilizer in its production, which means it is immune to the crippling economic supply issues and inflation that are striking those resources due to horrible policy decisions by world leaders over the last two years.

In fact, the lack of fertilizer, caused by 1) lockdowns that disrupted the production pipeline, 2) climate policies that seek to reduce nitrogen, 3) the increased cost of fuel worldwide, and 4) the war in Ukraine, is predicted by some like Dr. Jordan Peterson to start rolling mass hunger and starvation events this winter.

If the government can make an example out of Amos Miller, then they have sent a message and set a precedent for other farmers who aren't playing the government's game.

What do you think that means for you when it comes to sourcing your family's food?

When the only food producers are those the government can control, what happens when the government decides cricket bacon is the only bacon you're allowed to buy, and celebrities make weird videos telling you why this is a good thing?

What happens to your wallet when there's less competition in the market? What happens to your health when you get whatever quality food the government deems you worthy of?

There's big stakes in small stories like these. It's worth paying attention.

If you want to support Miller, you can donate to this GoFundMe and sign this petition to get the government to leave this man and his family alone.

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