"I feel like a foreigner in my own country": This WW2 veteran has thoughts for America
· Jun 6, 2024 · NottheBee.com

We're losing more and more World War II veterans each day. Within a decade, maybe less, virtually none will be left. The surviving veterans of the monumental D-Day landings are even fewer still.

Thus, in a time when we should be working as hard as we can to honor the brave men who picked up guns and fought for this country ... well, this hurts:

I feel like a foreigner in my own country lots of times and I don't like it, makes my heart real heavy.

I just hope we can pull out of this. There's too much Hollywood going on in Washington all the time, the important subjects they don't cover, so the thing is I hope all the guys will rally up and go back and straighten it all out.

He's right, you know. Fellows who went off to war and saved the U.S. and the world from tyranny must hardly recognize the country they fought for eight decades ago.

Perhaps the most moving part is this:

I hope all the guys will rally up and go back and straighten it all out.

This brave man speaks as if all his wartime buddies are still waiting in the wings to "rally up" and head home and set America straight.

They're not, of course. Most of them have gone to their rewards, and the rest will soon follow. The Greatest Generation is just about gone from us.

It's up to us to protect and preserve and restore this country they loved so much. So let's do that.

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