Super-Catholic Biden is coming after businesses that object to the Obamacare contraceptive mandate. Again.
· Feb 1, 2023 ·

Remember the Supreme Court case where Hobby Lobby won against Obama-Biden after they tried to force the company to pay for abortion pills? And how about the Little Sisters of the Poor?

Well, Biden hasn't forgotten, so he's going for it again.

According to the Catholic News Agency, Obama's former VP is about to force us through this entire battle again.

The Biden administration Monday announced a proposal to eliminate employers' ability to object to the Obamacare contraceptives mandate on moral grounds.

This change only proposes rescinding the moral objection exemption, not the religious exemption. The 2020 Supreme Court case Little Sisters of the Poor v. Pennsylvania guaranteed that religious employers objecting to contraceptives on religious grounds would not be forced to provide birth control in contradiction to their beliefs.

The Health and Human Services (HHS) Department estimated that the proposed rule change would impact more than 100 employers and 125,000 employees, CNN reported.

They'll accept that they lost on the religious exemption ground, which is good.

But then there's the moral exemption, and that's where the Biden Admin is hoping to force employers to bend the knee and violate their conscience.

Under the Trump administration, the Obamacare policy was amended to allow employers with religious or moral objections to contraception to opt out of offering it in their insurance policies without penalty.

The Biden administration's change won't take effect until the completion of a 60-day public comment period, which is set to begin Feb. 2 once the proposal is filed in the Federal Register...

The rule proposal comes as the Biden administration has vowed to expand access to both birth control and abortion in the wake of the Dobbs v. Jackson decision, which overturned nationwide legalized abortion, freeing states to regulation abortion as they see fit. On Monday, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services tweeted that it "is committed to protecting & expanding access to reproductive health care, including abortion & contraception."

It's like Biden is purposefully searching out all of the good things Trump did and working hard to undo them.

But with Trump's new and improved Supreme Court, we can legitimately hope that this rule will be challenged and overruled.


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