Whoops! Senior Teen Vogue staffer who helped oust Alexi McCammond over old tweets has used the N-word multiple times on Twitter before
· Mar 21, 2021 · NottheBee.com

It's a woke-eat-woke world out there, folks.

Christine Davitt, the senior social media manager at Teen Vogue, was very vocal about the recent canceling of Alexi McCammond, who was hired as the outlet's new editor-in-chief until some old tweets resurfaced from when she was a teenager that were deemed racist against Asians.

The staff revolted and demanded her ouster, despite McCammond's colleagues at Axios (the outlet she came from) staunchly defending her.

Miss Christine Davitt joined the mob calling for her head on social media, though she has now set all her accounts to private.

Davitt on March 8 posted a letter on Instagram from Teen Vogue staff expressing concern to Conde Nast management about the hiring of McCammond, "in light of her past racist and homophobic tweets." "So proud of my @teenvogue colleagues. The work continues…" Davitt wrote in a caption.

McCammond announced she would not be joining Teen Vogue as editor-in-chief as originally planned, saying her past tweets "have overshadowed the work I've done to highlight the people and issues that I care about."

"‘[Exhales the deepest sigh I've ever sighed]," Davitt wrote on Twitter an hour after McCammond made the announcement.


Davitt on March 18 liked a tweet that argued "She [McCammond] wasn't fired just because of her tweets—it's so much more than that." The tweet quoted another thread that pointed out that McCammond had never been an editor, was "way too close" to the White House and the Democratic National Committee. "Condé seemed to be trying to reign in the Marxism, anal sex tips & labor coverage" by hiring the former political reporter, the Twitter thread read.

McCammond and Teen Vogue ended up "parting ways" and the woke rage mob won the day.

WELLLLLLLLL, whaddaya know, it turns out Christine Davitt isn't so innocent herself!

Someone dug up some old tweets of hers where she freely used the N-word.

Miss Davitt is clearly not black. She has described herself in past tweets as of Irish and Filipino descent.

Go back up and read the things she said about McCammond. She literally did the same thing McCammond did.

Will Teen Vogue now turn on her?

Davitt does list herself in her Twitter bio as a "fat queer femme" and lists her pronouns, so level of intersectionality might be her saving grace.

How many Teen Vogue staffers are furiously scrubbing their Twitter history as we speak?

The WOKE EAT WOKE saga shall continue!

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