Here's how a woke viral social media hoax gets started
· May 20, 2023 ·

By now you've probably heard of the viral hoax in which a pregnant nurse (who was white) was accused of stealing a rental bike from a group of young black men in New York.

The whole thing ended up being bogus: She hadn't stolen the bike, she had paid for it herself, the gang of guys staged in the incident to make her look racist in a random effort to destroy her life.

But how does such a thing get started? Who propagates such misinformation? How does it take off?

In this case, the primary source of the hoax appears to have been a prominent dweeb TikTok user, one who aggressively pushed for this woman's livelihood to be destroyed and her life to be left in shambles:

These videos are worth watching. They're enraging, but they're also very instructive. They show how fake news can spread quickly and efficiently in the cesspool of modern progressive social media.

Three million views! Nearly 275k likes! All because this woman wanted to rent a bike and some guys wanted to ruin her life.

And this guy did not. Let. Up.

Here's a great question for the people who run TikTok:

Pretty sure the answer is "yes," since this gets TikTok a ton of clicks and views. Yet another reason not to use that commie platform.

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