The actual heck is this?

These girls are 8 and 10.
There's no context where joking with young girls about "getting into porn" is appropriate.
None. Zero. Ever.
But for the people who need the full context, Maher was talking about going down internet "rabbit holes." He was trying to tell the girls not to visit inappropriate websites but proceeded to joke about them deleting their browser history as they shuffled awkwardly on the couch (and some adult laughed in the distance).
Start at minute 23 of the following video and you'll see there's even more weirdness from Maher.
Not that you're really kids, you seem really mature. Like, just technically by the age - you know, people, hah, they like to judge by the age - uh, I guess you're kids. But you seem very mature to me.
He goes on to talk about actress Sophia Vergara being "hot" and the gay couple on the show "Modern Family."
I think Maher needs to go back and watch his own monologue calling out groomers.
Sorry, Bill, I've gotta tap the sign on you.
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