Hero postal worker saves 89-year-old woman's life after noticing her mail piling up
· Jul 31, 2023 · NottheBee.com

I've got some great news, everyone. I've found one person accepting a government paycheck that appears to be a genuinely good person.

I know, I know, but bear with me you disgruntled libertarians!

Seana Green, a mail carrier in Durango, Colorado went above and beyond her job and ended up saving the life of an elderly lady along her route.

I didn't see her on Thursday, and I didn't see her on Friday, and when I showed up on Saturday and she wasn't on the porch and the mail was just hanging out of her box. I hollered through her screen, "Mrs. Schmidt! Mrs. Schmidt! Are you in there? Are you okay?"

Green then heard the very weak and faint voice of Mrs. Schmidt and leaped into action to find out what was going on.

She came into the house to find Schmidt lying on the kitchen floor, completely helpless. Green then called 911 and paramedics took Schmidt to Mercy Medical Center.

The doctor said if we hadn't found her when we did it would have been probably the worst case scenario.

Good on Green for knowing her patrons and being aware. She is definitely one of the good ones.

Just a couple of weeks later, Green was invited to the hospital as Mrs. Schmidt celebrated her 90th birthday with the lady who made sure she was still around to see it.

If that's not a heartwarming story for a tough Monday, I don't know what is!

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