HERO: This teen girl who learned CPR at school saved a toddler from drowning on Thanksgiving ✊
· Nov 28, 2023 · NottheBee.com

I love stories about everyday heroes.

This 15-year-old girl from Southern California certainly fits that bill as she jumped into action on Thanksgiving to save the life of a three-year-old relative who wandered into the pool and nearly drowned.

Watch the news coverage with security footage of the pool and the rescue:

According to the family, the child had wandered off and they thought she was in a backroom playing. Her uncle then later went outside and saw the young girl floating in the pool face down.

He pulled her out but didn't know what to do.

That's when Madison, who had recently learned CPR in a sports medicine class at her high school, stepped up and began lifesaving compressions.

"I was just trying to remember what I'm supposed to do," she said. "I was just like let's get this baby alive — no one else knew CPR."

She knew it was all up to her, and she saved the kid's life!!

"Madison's just pumping away for a couple of minutes, and finally, Maxine starts to open her eyes and start to breathe," Atkinson said. "The dispatcher said, ‘Put her on her side.' And when we did that, Maxine opened her eyes and starts to literally breathe on her own."

She added: "The entire time Madison's there just calm, cool, collected, not panicked."

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