Nothing is more hilarious than lefties who think they have complete ownership of the universe finding out that the world doesn't revolve around them.
The entertainment magazine Deadline is hosting a screening of Matt Walsh's Am I Racist documentary and the libs who follow Hollywood closely are not happy about it.
Like, at all.
Yes, Matt Walsh submitted his movie for Oscar consideration, so Deadline is giving it a fair showing. But if you read the replies, the wokies are acting like the magazine is tying people down and making them watch it, Clockwork Orange-style.
The idea that ANYONE would watch this, and that Deadline, a woke publication, would show it, has got them losing their minds.
The replies here are so full of seething, so profoundly rich with leftist tears, that I must show some of them to you here:
Umm ...

I have no clue what that dude is talking about.
"Impregnated by the age of 13"???
Here are a bunch more, filled with expletives.
Deadline should be embarrassed for screening one of the most popular documentaries of all time??
Because Bearded Man Bad?!?
Sweet Daddy Walsh had the perfect response to these losers.
Oh yeah, and new bio just dropped:
The troll king is undefeated!
P.S. Now check out our latest video π