As if their handling (or not) of CHAZ wasn't inept enough, Seattle officials are going full HONK by fighting racism with...
More racism, of course!

In an email from Seattle's Office of Civil Rights, the city's white employees were invited to what basically amounts to a shame-on-you-for-your-skin-color event. Because nothing solves racial problems like reducing someone to their race, and then telling them to feel bad about it.
But what's even more ridiculous is the specific traits that were called out in the meeting as being uniquely "white":
• "Individualism"
Ah yes, because only white people are unique. Every other race and ethnicity is a monolith. Because nothing solves racism like telling people they have no unique identity apart from their race.
• "Intellectualization"
Because saying that only white people are intellectual is not at all demeaning toward others.
• "Objectivity"
Otherwise known as caring about facts over feelings. Being unbiased. Apparently, Seattle thinks white people have the market cornered on that.
Now, I know what you're thinking: Wow, that seems really racist -- and not just to white people! I mean, this seems super condescending to every other race, too!
But don't worry, there is a completely rational explanation for all this: