In an article from the very liberal website, Jezebel, titled "Absolutely Confront Kyrsten Sinema Outside Of Her Bathroom Stall", the editors apparently failed to check the URL when making the title a bit more palatable to the public.
Check out what the URL is for yourself.
And just in case it gets changed, here's a screenshot as it still appears in internet search results:
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Yep, the title originally read "Absolutely Bully Kyrsten Sinema Outside Of Her Bathroom Stall"...
The original title seems pretty on-brand for a magazine named after one of history's most well-known bullies.

The article makes the argument that it's totally cool to harass (bully) people if you have a good reason:
The effectiveness of certain kinds of protest will always be up for debate. From violent altercations to boycotts, sit-ins and marches, each method has some history of success and failure that differs among participants, observers, and the object of the protestors' scorn.
Granted, violence can be effective, but it's also violent.
So you know, maybe factor that into your argument about why it's great to confront (bully) people.
The article goes on:
So naturally, a group of activists pursuing Senator Kyrsten Sinema around the Arizona State University campus over the weekend and—controversially, somehow—briefly following Sinema into a public restroom to note that their family members were deported—is bound to prompt some pearl-clutching.
The idea that following someone into the bathroom to harass them shouldn't be at all controversial (unless you're a pearl-clutcher, presumably) seems like a stretch.
But for the clowns over at Jezebel, it's totally fine.