If you live in San Francisco for some reason, congratulations! In the very near future you will be able to attend certain events indoors, maskless, under a relatively limited set of conditions!
Mayor London N. Breed and the San Francisco Department of Public Health (DPH) announced today that so long as case and hospitalization rates remain stable or decline, indoor masking requirements will be lifted on October 15 in certain, limited settings. This includes places where stable cohorts of fully vaccinated individuals gather, and where other safety measures are followed. These controlled settings with individuals who regularly interact are considered safer indoor settings for fully vaccinated individuals to remove their masks.
These settings include offices, gyms, and fitness centers, employee commuter vehicles, religious gatherings, and indoor college classes or other organized gatherings of individuals who meet regularly, not exceeding 100 people. People in these settings may remove their masks if the employer or host of the gathering can control access to the setting and verify 100% full vaccination of everyone in the setting. The employer or host must also ensure proper ventilation, no recent COVID-19 outbreaks, and children under 12 and guests are not present, among other safety measures.
So. Exciting. This is cause for celebration!

Just think: In San Francisco, before too long you'll be able to get your double-dose of Pfizer, banish your children from your sight, grab your stable cohort of less than 100 buddies, head off to a properly ventilated indoor area, and hang out in a controlled environment!
Man! It's a great time to be a San Franciscan!