Hundreds of migrants now housed at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport
· Sep 10, 2023 ·

Oh this seems safe!

Yeah, why don't we just house random illegals at one of the largest airports in the nation! Nothing bad could happen there, I'm sure.

But this is what the liberal utopia of Chicago chose to do.

Chicago leaders are facing backlash over hundreds of migrants being housed at O'Hare International Airport, one of the nation's busiest airports…

More than 400 migrants are reportedly being housed in a section of the airport, hidden from public view behind black curtains, up from 31 at the beginning of August.

400 migrants!!


Man, Chicago is struggling. They've got homeless issues, gun violence, and they're still recovering from their Covid policies. They've got 18 total migrant centers across the city, and now, on top of all that, they've got illegal immigrants just chillin at the airport.

I seriously worry about how this will turn out. Like, are they given the same security checks as everyone else, or do they get a pass? Are the authorities going to give these migrants a behind-the-scenes tour like they did with Somalian refugees up in Minneapolis a while back? That could be productive if you're looking to up the ante on the crisis. Cuz we all know liberals love a good crisis, especially in Chicago. "You can never let a good crisis go to waste," as former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said.

Okay, I'm getting a little off topic, but those things are important to consider.

Here's what the migrant camp at O'Hare looks like:

Pretty boring, sorry bout it.

Regardless, I think Chiraq may want to go ahead and change the name of this international airport. I suggest "El Aeropuerto de los Migrantes."

That'll catch on, I'm sure.

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