I don't know what's more surprising here: That a left-wing journalist actually had some introspection, or that it's Brian Williams, of all people.
It's insulting when members of the working class, which the Democratic Party has lost entirely in our lifetimes, to insist the economy is doing great. A 12-pack of Bounty is $40. Rich folks don't feel that, poor folks already switched to Sparkle during the Covid lockdown.
Another clue as to why the Left lost is that Seth's audience of trained seals thought the line about Sparkle was hilarious.
How many of these people actually feel the pain Williams is talking about?
After this short chuckle, it seems to sink in that he's criticizing them personally.
I think telling them that the Nasdaq is gangbusters is further insulting. It's insulting, the biggest unforced error of the Biden administration, by far, was the border. To tell people that it's not a problem is insulting. For the working class to see incoming migrants getting welcome bags, debit cards, and motel rooms is probably insulting as well ...
They handed out camo hats that said 'Harris-Walz' the Democrats were kind of charmed by that. Their party has gone quinoa and the rest of America is eating at Cracker Barrel ... it was an ironic use of something that millions of Americans put on their heads to start their day every day.

I honestly didn't think anyone employed at NBC was capable of this level of self-reflection.
More of the interview can be found here on Seth Meyer's channel.
It is tough love time for the Democratic Party, I think it needs to be stripped down and rebuilt.
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