It doesn't matter if you're an ex-Soviet spy who got rich by assassinating all who oppose you or an American aristocrat who got rich by using his family name to broker deals with foreign entities: It seems falling down the stairs and soiling oneself comes to them all.
Russian President Vladimir Putin fell down the stairs and soiled himself this week amid mounting speculation that his health is declining, an anti-Kremlin Telegram channel with apparent links to his security team reported.
Putin, 70, suffered the unfortunate fall at his Moscow official residence on Wednesday evening, according to the Telegram channel "General SVR," which purports to be run by a former Russian spy. The ailing Russian leader allegedly fell down five steps before landing on his coccyx, or tailbone. Although his security guards immediately rushed to his aid, the impact of the fall caused Putin to "involuntarily defecate" due to "cancer affecting his stomach and bowels," according to the channel.
The incident is the latest health scare for Putin, who is rumored to suffering from worsening cancer and Parkinson's disease amid the ongoing war with Ukraine.
Anytime you see a story like this about anyone, you should stop and pause.
Obviously, this story is meant to make Putin look weak. And I get it. We feature wokies on this site because we're trying to demonstrate how foolish and weak their ideology is. We also feature people like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi because we think it's important that the American people understand that they are being led by ancient statesmen who can barely stay awake and form sentences.
But there's two caveats to our coverage:
- We don't need to hide behind the subterfuge of "alleged reports" and hearsay: We can literally show POTUS falling down the stairs or fighting the teleprompter.
- We aren't doing it out of a mean-spirited, propagandistic mode so that people will get in line with the #CurrentThing.
Propaganda is everywhere.
And you know what? That's generally okay. People are free to try to sell you bad ideas just like a company is free to sell you a product that might be bad for you.
It's your job to sift through the noise and learn how to correctly divide fact from fiction. Logic and reason has to come from an objective source in order to hold together, and I'd argue the Christian faith, with the admonition that "the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom" is the best place to start.
But regardless of who you are, sometimes propaganda will get through. You'll believe a wrong thing, just like my mom believed a door-to-door salesman in the '90s when he sold her a giant beast of a vacuum that he claimed was the best piece of machinery on God's green earth.
All of us, right now in this moment, have wrong things that we believe.
One of the best ways to test those beliefs and understand what is propaganda is to hold it up to an absurdity test. Satire is powerful because it shows up what's false by holding up a cultural norm to our God-given conscience and common sense.
When you notice Western media talking about Russian leaders falling down stairs but not Western ones, and someone points it out:
There might be something there.
Here's how the media is covering rumors about Putin:
And here's how the media has covered Biden's many falls and trips and mental cognizance issues:
Yet here's the videos:
This apparently has "potentially sensitive" content of Biden nearly falling to his death in a mangrove forest last month.
Meanwhile, when Donald Trump slipped a few inches down a ramp at West Point:
Then there's the fact that most of America wants answers, but the media doesn't want to talk about it.
So two things can be true: Putin can be ill and Biden can be ill.
But when I see a story like the one from the NY Post and notice that they don't want to talk about the super-low hanging fruit of someone like Joe Biden, it makes me start wondering if there's a double standard.
Which is why this is funny:
If there's an odd story that makes you laugh but you're not sure why, there's probably something true there that you need to investigate!
(Our friends at The Babylon Bee can help train you in these dark arts of humor.)