When Slate is reporting on this kind of Democratic embarrassment, you know it's bad:
When [a] reporter asked her what the response from her colleagues had been like since her return, though, the conversation took an odd turn.
"No, I haven't been gone," she said.
"You should follow the — I haven't been gone. I've been working."
When asked whether she meant that she'd been working from home, she turned feisty.
"No, I've been here. I've been voting," she said. "Please. You either know or don't know."
Cannot imagine what it was like being in that elevator and witnessing that exchange.

As Slate points out, Feinstein has "been in Washington and voting for the past week." But of course it's obvious what a question about her absence would be referring to.
That she appears to have forgotten it is of bizarre and troubling concern, particularly because she wields such power on the Senate Judiciary Committee as well as providing "a pivotal Democratic vote in the full body," as Slate put it.