The monarchy wants us back.

Yes, that is the official account of the main British embassy in D.C.
Yes, they are trolling America about rejoining the British Empire in 2022.
Yes, I think this official diplomatic communication amounts to a declaration of war.
Think about it: There were two wars between Britain and America (the Revolution and the War of 1812).

Then the British Crown and Parliament decided to patch things up with us when the Germans got a little feisty, so we went and saved them two times.
Now they're joking about our independence, as if ticking off a bunch of backwoods colonials and consequently causing the creation of the United States wasn't the greatest thing the monarchy ever achieved.
You know what, Britain? Not interested. You can keep circling the drain of history with your climate change, globalist, rainbow-religion nonsense while we're over here worshipping God, launching rockets, shooting off boomsticks, and eating tons of cheap, abundant meat with extended family.

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇