I think we might be finally reaching the end of all the "historic firsts" we have to witness when it comes to feminism.
Here's a real headline from the NEW YORK TIMES:
Oh boy! The first thunderstorm watch ever sent out by a woman! What tremendous strides we've made as a society!

Warm, moist air and colder, dry air collided on Wednesday to create the conditions necessary for hail, damaging winds and tornadoes across the Southern Plains and into the Southeast, and it was the job of an elite meteorology group called the Storm Prediction Center to give people advance notice.
For Elizabeth Leitman, who has worked at the Norman, Okla., center since 2010, it would be the day she would issue her first thunderstorm watch.
She would also become the first woman ever to do so in the 70-year history of the center and its previous iterations, according to center officials.
Honestly, THIS is what the New York Times is going out of its way to report on? I can't even imagine the most hardcore FemiNazi actually cares that a woman issued a thunderstorm watch. It's not even a WARNING! 🤣
I mean, congratulations to Elizabeth, I guess, but seriously – why is this news?
It's silly really.
Besides, who should really care about this WHITE woman issuing a watch?
We won't rest until we see the first differently-abled trans little person of color issue a tornado warning!