Clown King Ibram X. Kendi receives round of applause for saying “whiteness prevents white people from connecting to humanity”
· Dec 5, 2023 ·

Ibram X. Kendi is the race hustler of all race hustlers. Dude's gotten rich off of basically giving speeches and writing books that read like a Kamala Harris thought bubble. For instance, here's Kendi talking to the audience at the Netflix screening of his Stamped From The Beginning documentary, a film adaptation of his most prized text.

I don't think white people worldwide have really reckoned with how much their own personal identity is shaped by constructions of whiteness, and how much that construction of whiteness prevents white people from connecting to humanity. In other words …when you recognize that you are part and parcel of humanity, in other words, if you're not over humanity, right, it allows you to really be able to connect to people who don't look like you - who have kinky hair, who have dark skin - and to see yourself in them. And it's whiteness that prevents that. And when you're not able to see yourself in other human beings that creates all sorts of problems. But not just societal problems, but personal problems that I think hopefully this film and this work will liberate those folks from. So I think it's liberating all the way around. I think it will liberate really all of us, because you know we've all been told a lie about ourselves and other people.

Essentially, white people just don't have feelings (or at least the right kind of feelings).

The fact that people clap for that tells me one thing: The crowd is stuffed to the gills with middle-aged white women. That's all I can tell you for sure here. Otherwise, just more junk mail from Ibram X. Kendi.

Watch his documentary if you'd like; could be worth your time just in the fact that it'll inform you as to where the left is coming from these days. Always good to know more about your opponents ideas, no matter how dumb they might be.

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