Ilhan Omar: "Politics is the process by which we decide who gets what." She said that. And she believes it.

Planet Moron

Dec 3, 2020

And by "we" she means "me."

"Politics is the process by which we decide who gets what. It can be good or bad, and sometimes both."

You might claim that using the government to forcibly "decide who gets what" is always bad.

What, you don't want to "improve people's lives?"'

"And to use it as tool to improve people's lives is a choice one can make."

Why it's a choice "one" can make!

Not you, her. What right do you have to make that choice? It's almost as if you believe you have a right to private property and that ownership of the fruits of your labor is the very foundation of liberty.


Omar follows through on her philosophy of political redistribution with her "H.R.6515 - Rent and Mortgage Cancellation Act of 2020" which promises to "cancel rent and mortgage payments."

To be clear, this is not a "suspension" or a "postponement." The obligations just go "poof."

(A) ON FINES.—No tenant or tenant household may be charged a fine or fee for nonpayment of rent in accordance with paragraph (1) and such nonpayment of rent shall not be grounds for any termination of tenancy or eviction.

(B) ON DEBT.—No tenant or tenant household may be treated as accruing any debt by reason of suspension of contribution of rent under paragraph (1).

(C) ON REPAYMENT.—No tenant or tenant household may be held liable for repayment of any amount of rent contribution suspended under paragraph (1).

Mortgages, too!

(A) ON DEBT.—No mortgagor under any covered residential mortgage loan may be held responsible for payment of mortgage payments suspended under paragraph (1) or treated as accruing any debt by reason of suspension under such paragraph of the obligation to make mortgage payments.

Pretty sweet! If only we had known earlier that it was this easy.

Now, before you get all excited, the bill does include a provision that provides for landlords and lenders to be reimbursed by the government for all these missed payments. All they need to do is fully embrace Omar's leftist agenda and subject themselves to government oversight of that embrace for the next five years.

(1) FAIR AND INCLUSIVE LENDING REQUIREMENTS.—The mortgagee for the mortgage loan has made such certifications to, and entered into such binding agreements with, the Secretary as the Secretary considers necessary to ensure that during the 5-year period beginning upon initial receipt by such mortgagee of payment under this section for such mortgage loan, such mortgagee shall be subject to the following requirements:

(A) REPORTING ON LENDING.—The mortgagee shall report annually to the Secretary such detailed information regarding residential mortgage loans made by such mortgagee as the Secretary shall require, including the race, ethnicity, age, and credit score of mortgagors, the zip codes of properties for which mortgages were made, and the interest rates and other loan pricing features of such mortgage loans.

I don't see any possibility for abuse here. It's not like she believes politics is the process by which we decide who gets what.

And besides, canceling these payment obligations for citizens, and then reimbursing lenders and subjecting them to additional oversight, all of which will require a material expansion of the bureaucracy is way more simple than just providing people with money directly and should not in any way be considered a monumental power grab over the multi-trillion-dollar residential rental and housing market.

So, if you're thinking that, stop.

It's not entirely clear Omar read to the end of the article she tweeted touting her bill.

If you believe that calls into question Omar's lack of intellectual rigor or attention to detail, or question her in any way, you're a racist.

Naturally, there was some push back. Get a load of this guy.

Look at Mr. Big Brain. Probably read the Constitution and fully comprehended it.

Like that's at all helpful in deciding "who gets what."

The bill has another interesting feature not really highlighted by anyone: The establishment of an "Affordable Housing Acquisition Fund."

SEC. 6. Affordable Housing Acquisition Fund.

(a) Establishment.—The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development shall establish and manage an Affordable Housing Acquisition Fund (in this section referred to as the "Fund"), to fund the acquisition of multifamily housing projects by eligible purchasers to—

(1) ensure that tenants have access to safe and habitable housing conditions regardless of their landlords' ability to pay for repairs and maintenance during and after the COVID-19 pandemic;

The government, having first thrown people out of work and then canceled rental payments thus making it difficult if not impossible to keep up on repairs and maintenance, will be given the opportunity to purchase properties.

(2) prevent financial hardship for rental property owners; and

I don't think "hardship" is the right word for it.

(3) prevent a mass exit in the rental housing market that results in massive corporate purchases similar to the 2008 economic crisis.

We can't permit the evil free market to intrude on Omar deciding "who gets what."

(b) First right of purchase.—

(1) NOTICE TO SECRETARY.—During the 5-year period beginning upon the date of the enactment of this Act, the owner of a multifamily housing property may not sell or transfer ownership of such property unless—

(A) the owner has notified the Secretary, in accordance with such requirements as the Secretary shall establish, of the owner's intent to sell or transfer the property;

Nothing to see here. It's just the state mandating that private property owners are not permitted to sell their property without first giving the state a chance to purchase it.

(B) a period of 60 days, beginning upon provision of such notice to the Secretary, has elapsed; and

(C) if during such 60-day period any eligible purchaser under paragraph (3) applies to the Secretary for purchase assistance under subsection (c) with respect to such property, the Secretary has approved or denied such application and, if approved, the eligible purchaser has made a bona fide offer to the owner to purchase such project in the amount determined under subsection (c)(3)(A).

As a property owner, you don't get to decide who you sell to. Omar does.

And who are her preferred acquirers? People who bear a startling resemblance to her allies and supporters.

(3) ELIGIBLE PURCHASERS.—For purposes of this section, an eligible purchaser under this paragraph shall be a nonprofit organization, a public housing agency, a cooperative housing association, a community land trust, or a State or unit of local government or an agency thereof, as such terms are defined by the Secretary.

You don't see a coincidence like that every day.

(A) such eligible purchaser and the owner of such multifamily housing project have voluntarily agreed to a sale of such project to the eligible purchaser for an amount not exceeding the fair market value of the project as of the time of provision of assistance from the Fund for purchase of the project, as determined by the Secretary;

You see, the owner still gets "the fair market value" (and no more!) for the property, to be determined, apparently, by a process that does not involve the fair market.

It is not clear where Omar believes the money to fund all this will come from.

Maybe she can get Rashida Tlaib to mint another coin.

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