The Adults Who Are Back In Charge are taking on the most important fight of our lives
ยท Mar 18, 2024 ยท

You know, I can see how this is Joe Biden's top priority.

Biden sure knows how to reach the American voter, doesn't he? Millions of illegal aliens, Bidenflation through the roof, crime in major cities. But he knows EXACTLY where we need government the most.

Cracking down on McDonald's for having broken ice cream machines.

The U.S. government is demanding that constantly broken-down soft serve ice cream machines at McDonald's and other fast-food restaurants be more easily fixable.

In a letter to the U.S. Copyright Office this week, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Department of Justice's (DOJ) antitrust division called for exemptions for "commercial soft serve machines" from the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, a law that makes it difficult for franchise owners to do their own repairs or hire a third-party repair technician.

I just have one question about this proposed exception to copyright law that would help McD's get their ice cream machines up and running quicker...

It's almost like they just hate us at this point and want us to know how little they care about the real problems in this country.

The Department of Justice is in on this case. Merrick Garland could, you know, worry about the people bombing pro-life pregnancy centers. He could worry about the criminal aliens coming across the border.

But the DoJ only has time to go after pro-lifers, J6ers, and McDonalds.

The adults are back in charge!

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