How do you defeat the insane wokies?
You take your cues from this British lady and DESTROY them with FACTS and LOGIC!

This exchange highlights just how detached from reality the younger generation is, who have bought into this lie hook, line, and sinker.
Based Woman: So you're saying you think his body is the same as the other girls in the pool?
Soy boy: Every body is different.
BW: No. No. Are you saying he doesn't have male organs?
SB: So do you think you know everything about -
BW: Are you saying he doesn't have male organs?
SB: I'm not. I don't think that SHE - I think you're twisting words and that you have no idea, actually, ma'am let me ask you-
BW: No, I'm a woman. That is not a woman.
SB: Can I ask you a question? Are you a biologist?
BW: Oh my G-d, don't be ridiculous. I'm not a vet but I know what a dog is. Do you rely on stupid arguments because you don't have an argument?

Brava to this lady for refusing to put up with this kind of nonsense.
By the way, you see this argument all the time from the woke. They find the "experts" who agree with them, and then they jump on their opponents because they aren't experts.
I don't think that this dude is any kind of expert, and I highly doubt that he's a biologist himself.
What a stupid argument. Honestly.
She finishes it off with what any intelligent, non-woke person can plainly see.
If you don't think this is gonna destroy women's sports, if this is alright with you, then, I'm sorry, but it's insane. It's absolutely insane.
You don't have to be an expert, you don't even have to be particularly bright, you just have to have common sense and the entire woke trans agenda comes tumbling down!
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