Before Trump became Orange Man Bad™ and Worse than Hitler™ the mainstream lefties in New York liked him.
In 2015, before they saw him as a real threat, he was on the late-night shows and even hosted SNL ... where he participated in this skit that accidentally foretold the future.
This. Is. Amazing.
The details of the skit are perfect. There's the silly Trump stuff about swimming pools at the White House and mirrored gold plating on the Washington Monument. But then there's the stuff that actually DID happen under Trump.
Some of the jokes are now sad, considering what they took from us.
Here are some of the prophecies:
Actor: Halfway through your first term and prosperity is at an all-time high. In two years you really made America great again ...
Trump: General how are we doing in Syria?
Actor: Well, ISIS is completely eliminated, sir. The country is at peace, all the refugees have returned. And they have great jobs as blackjack dealers at the Trump Hotel and Casino in Damascus ...

Trump: Madam Secretary, how is the situation in Russia?
Actor: Never better. After your face to face meeting Putin has withdrawn from Ukraine. Believe me, he does not want to be called a loser again. He cried for hours.
Trump: Well, I'm sorry. I just had to do that.

Trump: Jimmy, how's the economy?
Actor: Amazing sir! In the words of our new national anthem, it's 'YUGE!' After your tough negotiations with China, you are KILLING them on trade. They're now borrowing money from us. I have no idea how you did it, sir!
Trump: Well you know what, I don't have to get specific. With me, it just works. It's just magic. It's always been that way my whole life.
This sketch aged amazingly. It went from funny, to Simpsons-level prophecy, to tragedy in the span of 9 years.
Actor: Mr. President, we have a problem! It's the American people, sir! They're just sick of winning! They're winning so much, it's just too great sir.
Trump: Look, I know how they feel, it's exhausting. But really, that is the price you have to pay. Winning is tough. It's not that easy.
[Turns towards audience]
If you think that's how it's going to be when I'm president, you're wrong. It's going to be EVEN BETTER! I said to the writer's of this sketch, 'Keep it modest, okay? It's better to start with low expectations. That way you have nowhere to go but up!'
They were right!
The economy grew, we were beating China, Russia wasn't a problem, the Middle East was peaceful, and illegal immigration dropped to record lows.
It was, for three years, SO MUCH better than anyone imagined.
And then it was taken from us! 😭
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