In a single decade, trans “feel this way” has triumphed over gay “born this way”

Apr 22, 2022

I remember being on the radio during the height of the gay marriage debate. On more than one occasion, someone would email the show suggesting that laws preventing two men marrying one another were comparable to the laws of previous generations that prevented whites from marrying blacks. To be opposed to gay marriage was the moral equivalent of being opposed to interracial marriage, it was said.

To counter that invalid comparison, I would often bring up what some call the "four I's" of humanity:

  1. Inborn - A person's race is inborn, but their sexual and romantic conduct is not.
  2. Involuntary – A person's race is never chosen, but their sexual and romantic conduct is.
  3. Immutable – A person's race will never change no matter the desire or effort, but their sexual and romantic conduct can and will.
  4. Innocuous – Racial diversity harms no one, but sexually permissive practices do.

The two are neither synonymous nor compatible. Yet every time I brought that up, the indignation of the lesbian and gay community over being told their orientation was not inborn was extreme. You might even remember Lady Gaga's 2011 hit song "Born That Way." It became the defiant, iconic anthem of the entire movement. Nothing that conservative Christians said or argued would undermine the confidence and convictions of that claim.

Now it's over a decade later and somehow transgender activists have managed to accomplish what a generation of Christian political voices were utterly unable to do. They are defeating the once-proud gay movement, not by a societal sermon from without, but by imploding it from within.

Transgenderism relies on the presumption that sex distinctions don't really exist; or at least that there is no binary. There is no one who can be considered "fully male" or "fully female," but rather just gender nomads fitting somewhere on society's sliding scale of identity.

But rather than thoughtfully following that outrageous claim to its logical end, most gay activists still perceive conservatives as their biggest enemy, and remain blind to the Trojan Horse they have permitted within their movement's walls. Today, in increasing intensity, that horse is emptying its devious contents inside the gay rights crusade and collapsing it from the inside out.

The revolutionaries are turning on one another. The snake is devouring itself.

I don't mean to imply that there weren't many lesbians warning about this coming disaster decades ago with the first emergence of transgenderism. And I also don't mean to suggest that there aren't still several prominent feminists who are sounding the alarm today (see J.K. Rowling). It's just that at this point, they are losing and the activists are winning. As Wesley Yang put it:

That "activist class" to which he refers doesn't just include the ringleaders of the trans movement and the media elites who publicize and promote them. It includes every individual that insists on using made-up, nonsense terms like "cisgender" or that slavishly informs society of their pronouns.

Even if done in an effort to be loving and accepting, it perpetuates the fantastic lie that not only offends God, but will eventually erase homosexual identity from the public consciousness.

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