Ahh, Thanksgiving. It's a time of togetherness, of family, of friends, of reflection, of gratitude, and of good food.
It's also a time for the nation's firemen to roll out their turkey fryers and show us just how insanely, meltingly, singe-your-eyebrows-off dangerous it can be to drop your turkey in a gigantic vat of 350º peanut oil.
In honor of that grand tradition, here's a rundown of the greatest hits from the firemen's turkey-frying vault.
Roll the tape, Spud!
☝️ You got to love the firemen behind that safety barrier dressed up in nuclear-grade hazmat suits. This is a big deal.
☝️I love that they set a mannequin out there of some bro holding a cold brewski. They really went for authenticity.
☝️As with all great cooks, this mannequin is lowering the turkey into the mind-numbingly hot oil with his nether regions resting directly against the bucket.
☝️The backdrop here legit looks like a post-apocalyptic landscape. It fits with the massive plume of turkey-borne hellfire spewing up from the fryer.
☝️This grease fire was so powerful that it appears to have literally generated a nuclear-style mushroom cloud.