It's tough for one to even imagine a more confusing message coming from an administration.
What we're saying is today we want that supply increased. Of course, in five to ten years, in the immediate, we are also pressing on the accelerator to move to clean energy so we don't have to be under the thumb of petro-dictators like Putin, or at the whim of the volatility of fossil fuels.
Hey Jen, do you know what else would keep us from being dependent on other countries for fossil fuels?
Producing oil here like we were doing under Trump when gas prices were under 2 bucks.
She knows this because she wants to blame these producers she and Biden have decimated for the current price hikes. But in reality, she only wants prices down because it's hurting the Dems popularity.
Ultimately, America will be most secure when we rely upon our own clean domestic production of energy...
We really want to see us move to clean energy but we also need to see this increase right now. And we are asking the oil and gas companies as well to diversify and to make sure that they become diversified energy companies. To be able to produce other means of clean energy because they have huge, deep pockets, they have a big availability to invest in the future as well as investing right now so that we don't see oil and gas causing the inflation numbers and people being hurt every day.
You see, it's the oil and gas companies just being mean. That's why gas is so high.

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