You guys remember when the AP used to be a news outlet?
Yeah, me neither.
Check out their latest campaign gimme they just handed out to Kamala Harris:

They're not just presenting it as a report: This is the Associated Press, the "objective" NON-PROFIT newswire agency that is used in newsrooms across the world. It would be one thing to write a report on it (like our site did), or even for a for-profit corporate news company to have a host showing support for it ... but a non-profit, supposedly non-partisan press organization??
In today's day and age, recording a staged phone call for your presidential campaign is newsworthy of being posted in full on the Associated Press' X feed.
I'm sure if Trump received a call from prominent establishment Republicans offering their endorsement and then made a campaign ad out of it the AP would post it for him too ... right?

Advice for Kamala: Next time you do a propaganda vid, hide the mic and don't stand in front of emergency exits.
P.S. Now check out our latest video π