Is the EU's new carbon tax just a tariff by another name? I hope Donald Trump is paying attention.
ยท Oct 10, 2023 ยท

So, the European Union is serious about cutting carbon and saving the climate, or short of that, at least taxing their populace into starvation and poverty like the rest of the world enjoys.

Saving the weather through forced equity and all that.

That's why they rolled out carbon taxes for all their own manufacturers.

Want to make some steel girders for a building in Europe? That's going to use carbon, and it will cost you. Add to that the fact that the European Union has value-added taxes, so the products are taxed at each level of production, compounding taxes all the way up.

So, like all good business people, European manufacturers looked for carbon-tax free materials to drive down their costs and keep putting food on the table.

The leaders of the European Union couldn't have that, so now they've added a border carbon tax. Any products that use carbon in the manufacturing process will now have to pay a tax when they cross into the European Union.

The border carbon tax will be equivalent to the difference in the product's price and what a European manufacturer would pay to make it.

That way everyone pays the carbon tax!

Of course, this new tax has the added benefit of ending the importation of foreign products into the European Union, greatly benefitting the EU's manufacturing industry.

Isn't that what we used to call a tariff?

The EU and the Left skewered former president Donald Trump for his tariffs on China to benefit American businesses.

To think, all he had to do was call them a carbon tax, and everyone would have cheered.

I hope you're reading, President Trump. The EU has just offered your second-term keys to Tariff City on a carbon platter.

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