VIDEOS: Israel carries out massive airstrike on Yemen after drone attack in Tel Aviv
· Jul 20, 2024 ·

On Friday, Houthi militants in war-torn Yemen carried out a 1,000-mile drone strike on the Israeli city of Tel Aviv, hitting a block of apartments near the U.S. embassy.

A 50-year-old immigrant from Belarus was killed and 8 others were injured.

A massive crowd of Yemenis reportedly turned out to celebrate the drone attack:

Richard in the tweet above might have gotten ahead of himself, however, because this is how Israel responded:

According to the BBC, the Israeli strike hit the Red Sea port of Hodeidah on Saturday evening local time.

Defence Minister Yoav Gallant said his country aimed to send a message to the group.

'The fire that is currently burning in Hodeidah, is seen across the Middle East and the significance is clear,' he said.


Mr Gallant said Israeli fighter jets had struck the group because they had harmed Israelis.

'The Houthis attacked us over 200 times. The first time that they harmed an Israeli citizen, we struck them. And we will do this in any place where it may be required,' he said.

Mess around, find out indeed.

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