It's either an election year or hell froze over, because Joe Biden is pretending to shut down the border. Trump has thoughts.
ยท Jun 4, 2024 ยท

You guys, the polls must finally be making their way to the White House, because look at this.

Yup, Biden knows what November is gonna look like if he continues to let illegals flood the border, so he's going to pull some election year antics and pretend he cares about the border for a few months.

The White House is telling lawmakers that President Joe Biden is preparing to sign off on an executive order that would shut down asylum requests at the U.S.-Mexico border once the average number of daily encounters hits 2,500 between ports of entry, with the border reopening only once that number declines to 1,500, according to several people familiar with the discussions.

The impact of the 2,500 figure means that the executive order could go into immediate effect because daily figures are higher than that now.

The Democratic president is expected to unveil the actions โ€” his most aggressive unilateral move yet to control the numbers at the border โ€” at the White House on Tuesday at an event to which border mayors have been invited.

Translation: A staged event in a desperate bid to gain election-year favor.

Did I mention the exceptions?

It's like this guy only cares about optics, not our country.

A quick reminder for all those who've forgotten:

I'll leave ya with Trump's thoughts:

P.S. Now check out our latest video ๐Ÿ‘‡

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