Even for crime-ridden, rapidly-descending-into-anarchy California, this is pretty crime-ridden, rapidly-descending-into-anarchy California:
A series of fire hydrant thefts in the Florence-Firestone neighborhood of South Los Angeles has left residents without a working hydrant near their homes.
The thefts of four hydrants near the intersection of 82nd Street and Hooper Avenue mean the block doesn't have even one operating hydrant, KTLA's Jennifer McGraw reports.
It's no joke. The crooks are literally ripping the hydrants off the street and taking them away:

Now, you likely have just one question to ask after seeing that hydrant stump in the sidewalk:

Namely: "Why would someone steal a fire hydrant? Is it actually profitable to do so?"
Well, take comfort, because everyone else is wondering the same freakin' thing:
One helpful fellow actually did the math to demonstrate just how bizarre the boost really is:
150 pounds average. 4 cents a pound as of today for scrap iron equals six dollars a plug.
You gotta love picturing these creeps getting home and counting out their measly take for these things:

Meanwhile, authorities are looking to prevent the next theft:
Work is underway to replace the hydrants and install locks to prevent future thefts.
California: Where you gotta put locks on the fire hydrants.
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