That NYT columnist who came for Pepe Le Pew went after Speedy Gonzales, too ... and failed epically as Latinos came out in force to defend "The Fastest Mouse in all Mexico"

Planet Moron

Mar 8, 2021

You may be familiar with the notion of the "white savior."

The white savior is a cinematic trope in which a white character rescues non-white characters from unfortunate circumstances.

New York Times columnist Charles M. Blow is the African-American version, the "black savior" if you will, sweeping in to save those too weak to fight for themselves: fellow blacks, women, Mexicans, all the oppressed of the world are his charges.

He is destined by fate itself to be the hero of his own narrative.

He went after Pepe Le Pew over the weekend, wholly misunderstanding the entire point of the cartoon but no matter, there were damsels in distress to be saved.

However Pepe was not his only target. The tweet he had sent out about Pepe had actually sprung from a piece he had written for the Times about Dr. Seuss (he wasn't going to let that woke wagon pass him by) that also included gratuitous swipes at the aforementioned Pepe, but also Tom & Jerry, and Speedy Gonzalez, saying of the latter cartoon:

Speedy Gonzales, whose friends helped popularize the corrosive stereotype of the drunk and lethargic Mexicans...

There was only one problem with Blow's valiant attempt to help free Mexicans from the animated shackles of a cartoon mouse:


It turns out Mexicans love Speedy.

Like, a lot.

And they are not taking kindly to his attempted cancellation.

I searched on Twitter for "Charles Blow Speedy Gonzales" and I found with very few exceptions, Mexicans singing Speedy's praises. Most weren't even responding to any tweet. They had heard about it and felt the need to defend the rapido rodent.

Here is but a sample:

There's even a meme about this kind of thing.

A couple in fact.

These likely stem in part from previous attempts to cancel Speedy and previous uprisings of Mexican defiance of the woke cancel culture.

Some pointed out the obvious error Blow made in misunderstanding the entire point of Slowpoke Rodriguez (and Pepe Le Pew, too).

...but while @CharlesMBlow sees Slowpoke Rodriguez as an offensive stereotype about Mexicans being drunk and slow (vs. a counterpoint for Speedy Gonzalez)

As I like to say, if you go looking for offense, you're going to find it. Why does Blow see racism and oppression everywhere and in everything?

Because that's what he's looking for.

His take says something about himself that is perhaps even more unflattering.

@nytimes @CharlesMBlow column stating that Speedy Gonzales "helped popularize the corrosive stereotype of the drunk and lethargic Mexicans" is not only absurd but might provide insight into Mr.Blow's personal view on Mexicans.

In fact, what little support Blow did get was from virtue-signalling white people.

Some people also tried to jump in and "cleverly" frame it all as white racism. This one landed with a particularly epic pratfall.


I would say nuance is lost on people like Blow, but it's not even that. I believe basic research is lost on people like Blow. He doesn't seem to feel the need to bother and no one seems to want to call him out on it.

The truth is, he really knows nothing about the cartoons he's calling out as racist.

Slowpoke Rodriguez was more than just a counterpoint to Speedy Gonzales.

He was a clever mouse who often came up with innovative solutions to difficult problems.

And, he was always packing.

That's what I wanted to tell you. Slowpoke Rodriguez. He pack a gun.

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