Well, would you look at that? Apparently, for all of human history, a quarter of the people in the world have been gay. Or something like that.
So bizarre, in my lifetime we went from less than 2% of all people in the United States being homosexual or a sexual minority to, all of a sudden, 1-in-4 American teenagers being LGBTQ+.
But there's NO social contagion here! Goodness, no!
It's not like we have groomer teachers and a society that tells people that they need to be some sort of oppressed minority in order to be virtuous.
Nothing like that is happening.
Among high school students, 12.2 percent identified as bisexual, 5.2 percent as questioning, 3.9 percent as other, 3.2 percent as gay or lesbian and 1.8 percent said they didn't understand the question.
The CDC says the number of LGBTQ students went from 11 percent in 2015 to 26 percent in 2021.
Oh yeah, just in 6 short years the number of LGBT high schoolers has more than doubled. Do you think that could be attributed to groomer teachers and wacky sexual education teaching kids about genderbread men and LGBT unicorns?
Either 26% of humans have always been gay but they've been suppressed...
(In which case the human race shouldn't have survived this long)
Or Alex Jones was right:

This kind of deviancy [read: abnormal behavior and identity that create unhealthy outcomes] is going to further tank our abysmal birth rate and destroy whatever remains of the family.