It's official: Biden's Hamas pier to be "shut down for good" after only three weeks of actual operation
· Jul 10, 2024 ·

You guys, it's official, Biden's $230 million Hamas pier will be removed in the coming days, after operating for only 21 days of actual work.

Let's take a quick moment to remember the Hamas pier.

The three U.S. officials told ABC News the pier will be reattached to the beach just southwest of Gaza City on Wednesday and that after a few days of operations to transport humanitarian aid from Cyprus, the pier will likely be shut down for good.

Cyprus was the gathering point for aid provided by international aid organizations to be vetted by Israeli security before its transport via JLOTS into Gaza …

The system's deployment to Gaza was announced by President Joe Biden during his State of the Union speech earlier this year with the hope it would be a 'maritime corridor' to help bring humanitarian aid into Gaza, especially as major land routes were closed by Israel, citing security concerns.

But rough seas interrupted the pier's operations for lengthy stretches of time that have left it operational for only 23 of the 53 days since it was anchored on May 17.

Wow, great work, President Biden!

We now have yet another reason for the world to point and laugh at us.

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