I think we can all breathe a sigh of relief now that Mariah Carey's trademark on the moniker "Queen of Christmas" was denied by the US Patent and Trademark Office.
I mean it's bad enough that Carey's Christmas music is everywhere already and it's not even Thanksgiving yet. Can you imagine how insufferable it would be if she were officially given the title "Queen of Christmas"?
We'd be seeing Christmas decorations on July 4th with Christmas fireworks.

Carey's attempts to trademark the abbreviation "QOC" and "Princess Christmas" were also denied.
Honestly, she records one hit track in 1994 with "All I Want for Christmas is You," and now she wants to be the Queen of Christmas?
We owe this victory to another Christmas Queen that challenged Carey's trademark:
Enter Elizabeth Chan, a singer with 2.79K subscribers on her Youtube channel (to put that in perspective, Mariah Carey has 9.2M subscribers). Chan loves Christmas; I mean she LOVES Christmas. All her songs are about Christmas, and there are over 1,000 of them.
She was willing to throw down for the title of Christmas Queen, or at least issue a challenge at the Patent office, which Carey's team did not respond to, so the trademark was denied.
Chan said:
"I feel very strongly that no one person should hold onto anything around Christmas or monopolize it in the way that Mariah seeks to in perpetuity. That's just not the right thing to do. Christmas is for everyone. It's meant to be shared; it's not meant to be owned."
"If you knit a 'Queen of Christmas' sweater, you should be able to sell it on Etsy to somebody else so they can buy it for their grandma," she went on. "It's crazy - it would have that breadth of registration."
So to all you ladies out there that fancy yourselves Queens of Christmas, you can keep on enjoying your title without fear of Mariah Carey and her lawyers shutting you down.
Just wait until next week after the turkey like civilized people.