Japan Airlines plane collides with Japan Coast Guard plane at Tokyo airport, killing 5
ยท Jan 2, 2024 ยท NottheBee.com

It has not been a great start to 2024 for Japan. First they had that 7.6-magnitude earthquake, and now we have this collision at Tokyo's Haneda Airport which killed five people.

Looks like a commercial flight in an Airbus A350-900 had just landed and reduced its speed, only to collide into a coast guard plane.


The aftermath:

And here's a shot from inside the Airbus:

And the evacuation:

Five people were killed when a Japan Airlines plane carrying hundreds of passengers collided with an earthquake relief aircraft and burst into flames on landing at Tokyo's Haneda airport on Tuesday.

All 379 people on JAL flight 516, including eight children under the age of two, were safely evacuated from the passenger plane, according to the airline, but there were fatalities on the second aircraft, operated by the Japan Coast Guard.

Miraculously, all the passengers on that commercial flight were able to escape with their lives, fewer than a dozen being treated for minor injuries. That in itself is a major accomplishment, so hats off to anyone and everyone who made this possible. Unfortunately the coast guard crew wasn't as lucky โ€” five crew members were killed as a result of the collision, and these were people working relief for that 7.6-magnitude earthquake.

Prayers up for Japan, as they've had quite the beginning to 2024 ...

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