The idea of a Minister of Loneliness would be hilarious if the reason for it wasn't so stinking sad.
For the first time ever Japan has appointed a "Minister of Loneliness" to help address their rising suicide rates which in 2020 rose for the first time in 11 years. In just the month of October, more people died by suicide in Japan than had died from COVID-19 the whole year prior. And that was a 70% increase, year-over-year.
According to Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, it's primarily among women that suicide rates are rising.
"Women are suffering from isolation more (than men are), and the number of suicides is on a rising trend."
And, no, COVID didn't help things in that department.
Rising suicide rates has just been one of the consequences of government responses to COVID.
Forcing people to hide away from each other in their homes, isolated from family, friends, and meaningful human connection might be a good way to keep folks safe from a virus, but turns out to not be so good for the mental health.
The crazy thing is, Japan is not the first country to have a "Minister of Loneliness." The United Kingdom appointed one in 2018. And Australia is considering doing the same.
You know, there are some problems government can't solve, except maybe by getting out of the way. This is an area where the church has a great opportunity to step up to the plate.
OR... maybe governments should consider a different kind of ministry to cheer people up...