Jay Leno spotted driving the Cybertruck: "It's incredible"
ยท Dec 7, 2023 ยท NottheBee.com

Jay Leno knows his automobiles, there's no denying that. And this video of an ecstatic Leno cruising around LA in a Cybertruck tells me all I needed to know about Elon's latest and greatest.

"It's truck #5, just came off the lot. You know, it's incredible."

Yeah, when Jay Leno compliments your car, especially when he calls it "incredible," you gotta think you've made something great. Dude's got every car you could imagine, and for him to speak of the Cybertruck in this fashion kinda makes me wanna go buy one (or tell my rich friends to buy one so I can drive it for free).

Some more photos:

(People say it's hard to see the front end while parking, which is why Jay should be using the front-facing camera!)

Leno says the Cybertruck is as fast as his Tesla Plaid. A little context, that car goes 0-60 in just under two seconds.


Can't wait to see more of these Cybertrucks on the road!!!

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