"JD might be one of the cleanest politicians of all time if this is the dirt they got on him"
· Aug 15, 2024 · NottheBee.com

They really think this is a slam dunk.

Yo, rEpuBLicANs Against Trump, I thought it was a good thing that women are using the men's restroom now, and vice versa.

JD was ahead of his time!!

From The Daily Mail:

In the photograph, Vance, then 18, is seen in a men's bathroom looking on as three girls pretend to use the urinals.

The picture appeared in the 2003 yearbook of Middletown High School in Ohio when Vance - then known as JD Hamel - was in his senior year.

Maybe next, they'll find out he pulled a senior prank on his principal!

Maybe they'll find out that he put shaving cream on people's faces at church camp while they were sleeping!

Maybe he dressed up in costumes like a goofballs for Halloween parties, and people took blurry pics of him with red eye on those first-gen digital cameras!

The horror!


Man, good thing JD isn't a leftist - imagine if he had innocently copied Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's outfit for Halloween!!!

Only leftists survive such scandals!

I dunno guys, do you think the Trump-Vance campaign will weather this storm? 😔

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