Man, I WRITE for Not the Bee and sometime I'm still shocked by my own headlines.
President Biden is giving out the customary end-of-tenure Presidential Medals of Freedom now, and he (well, someone in the White House) has selected 18 recipients including Hillary Clinton and George Soros.
Yes, George freaking Soros.
President Biden is awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor, to Hillary Clinton and 18 others 'who have made America a better place,' the White House announced Saturday ...
Okay, him choosing Hillary for this honor is, let's be honest, hilarious. It's another Biden participation trophy.
But this ...
Other recipients include actors Michael J. Fox and Denzel Washington, U2 frontman Bono, Inter Miami soccer star Lionel Messi and billionaire philanthropist George Soros.

The Biden Administration is nothing more than a giant troll job at this point.
I am honestly flabbergasted.
And when CBS calls Soros a "philanthropist" here's what he gives money to:
This is honestly outrageous and a spit in the eye to Americans.
Half the people on the list of medal recipients aren't even American citizens. Bono? Messi?
But the Soros choice is truly astonishing. I didn't even think Biden could stoop this low.
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