Joseph R. Biden is a vicious alt-right domestic extremist who wants to continue the massacre of unarmed black men by police and expose our children to a deadly virus that has claimed millions of lives!
Hold up one second.
Remember in summer 2020 when Joe was lamenting about the need to take money away from America's systemic legacy of white supremacist policing?
...His views on #DefundThePolice are different. In a statement last month, his folks insisted: "Biden does not believe that police should be defunded."
Later, though, asked if money should be "redirected" away from cops, he replied, "Yes, absolutely." And the charter for his alliance with Bernie Sanders vows to "reinvigorate community policing . . . and make smart investments to incentivize departments to build effective partnerships with social workers and mental-health and substance-use counselors" — which aligns with the #Defunders' goals.
So... I'm confused.
Is Joe Biden a staunch ally of the "trained Marxist" social justice movement to level current policing structures to the ground and replace them with equitable community-led initiatives that aim to dismantle white supremacy, or is he a strong supporter of the institutionalized white supremacy inherent in our current authority structures?

It's all so mind-boggling. People on both sides of the aisle had thoughts:
Anyway, what about this?
Wait a sec.
I was told in summer 2020 – based on the exact same data we still have regarding the dangers of Covid to kids and the lower transmission rates found in schools – that it was WAY too perilous to even open the schools, let alone unmask our children!!!
This was Biden a year ago in February 2021:
"You have to have fewer people in the classroom. You have to have ventilation systems that have been reworked. Our CDC commissioner is going to be coming out with science-based judgment, within I think as early as Wednesday, to lay out what the minimum requirements are," Biden added during the interview.
While Biden previously said that he wanted to reopen a majority of schools by the end of his first 100 days in office, on Wednesday, White House press secretary Jen Psaki noted, "His goal that he set is to have the majority of schools—so, more than 50 percent—open by day 100 of his presidency.… And that means some teaching in classrooms. So, at least one day a week. Hopefully, it's more."
Yeah, yeah, yeah: The "science" changed.
Except a great very many of us have been saying that Delta or no Delta, high case rates or no case rates, that Covid poses little risk to children – especially compared to the insane social and developmental risks of masking kids up, locking them down, and forcing them to live in tiny bubbles for two years.
It's strange how our arguments for unmasking children and opening schools hasn't changed based on political winds, but on concrete data and common moral sense that's been available for nearly two freaking YEARS.
The Dems fought HARD in places like Chicago to keep schools closed at the behest of teachers' unions. Joe Biden personally got countless Americans fired from their jobs for refusing to take a jab.
It has been the non-political suburban moms and the GOP hardliners that have been leading the charge for these things Biden is now claiming ownership over. Because he controls the CDC, he can now have them wave a magic wand and the fact-checkers at Big Tech will let him roll in like a messiah releasing us from death itself.
Anyway, Covid is now over! Funny how that works.
Welcome to the alt-right, Joe!

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇