Joe Biden is out, but the memes are streaming in! Check out these reactions ๐Ÿ’€
ยท Jul 21, 2024 ยท

The memes! Oh the memes!

President Biden has dropped outta the 2024 race.

(Because he's totally healthy enough to be president, but too frail to RUN for president.)

He's tossed his support behind his VP, the Dems are in shambles, and the Right is rejoicing with memes.

Here are some of the best reactions from the day:

It has never been more Joe-ver!

Yep, Clooney got the job done!

It was certainly clever of the Dems to break this news during the president's nap time!

[Warning: Language on this next one]

And the MOST important reaction:


P.S. Now check out our latest video ๐Ÿ‘‡

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